A Day Trip to Point Reyes

On another day during my week long trip to the Bay Area, I got together with my friends again and headed out on the road to Point Reyes! I had wanted to go to Point Reyes for yearssss, and after my last attempt to visit months before had failed, I knew I was going to make it happen at last this time.

It dawned the perfect morning, bright sunlight and not a cloud in the sky. I was a little bit upset about that, as I was really hoping for it to be overcast, but the day wasn't over yet ;) 

Our first step was at the Cyprus Tree Tunnel. It was everything I hoped it would be, and my new friend (and talented photographer) Charlie modeled for us there. She is so beautiful! Check out her work HERE.

We then drove up the winding valley road until we reached the shoreline. By that time, the fog had begun to roll in, and I was stupidly giddy about it. (I get really excited about that kind of thing...) We photographed for a little while on the beach (most of the beach images below were taken with my phone), and then we headed up the hill. 

My only main goal for the day was to find the Point Reyes lighthouse, and I wasn't going to leave until we did. After talking to a few people, we found out that we needed to catch a bus that would take us to the lighthouse. 

I am so glad we found it. It was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen, with a gorgeous overlooking view of the ocean shore, a gloomy, foggy skyline, and the most perfect color blue water. I felt breathless looking all around me, and not only because it was a bit of a hike to get to the lighthouse and back. 

(The first four photos are iPhone pics, the rest are my 5D)

We were the last bus to the lighthouse that evening, and I was lucky enough to be the last person up the hill that day. That hill back from the lighthouse was a KILLER, and I felt like I was going to die with every stair back up the cliffside. Somehow I managed to make it to the top though, and I was sad to leave the place. I could have spent all day long there.

While we waited for the bus to come get us, we took some portraits overlooking the Point Reyes ocean shore. Below are some photos of the awesome and talented Damian Wolfgram, a good friend of mine and remarkable photographer, followed by more photos of Charlie. (She was my muse that day, I've got to admit--if you couldn't already tell.)  

Our last stop was at the Point Reyes shipwreck, another spot I had been DYING to shoot at for so long! It was completely alone out on the dry lakebed, without hardly any other people around. The sun had set over the mountain, and the fading light brought out the purple and pink hues in the clouds overhead. It was so quiet and peaceful, and I couldn't help grabbing a few more shots of Charlie on the ship. 

I'm so glad we decided to make that day trip to Point Reyes. It's definitely one of my new favorite spots to visit and shoot at, and I'm certain I'll be back again sometime soon. 

Thanks for everyone who came along with me and made the day so wonderful! I love you all :) Let's adventure together again soon, k?