Tyler & Lauren // Anniversary Session in the Mountains

I met Lauren several years back when I was attending university in Idaho. She and I were good friends and had a few mutual friends that we did things with occasionally, namely a trip to Bear Lake for the 4th of July one year. She and I both finished up our educations, moved to different places, and went on with our lives. 

Flash forward a few years later, and Lauren has married a wonderful man and moved to Logan, Utah. She reached out to me about two months ago, asking if I would help her with an idea she had. Her wedding gown had been sitting in her basement unused for the past year--a gown she had scrimped and saved for and loved with all her heart--but she knew she didn't need it anymore. She wanted to take some beautiful photos in it, be a bride for one more day, and then sell it to someone who could use it again. She didn't even have to ask me twice--I jumped at the idea; of course I wanted to take some photos of my gorgeous friend and her husband! 

So, we got together one June evening (my brother Devin joined us as my trusty assistant), we drove up into the mountains of Idaho, and shot well into the evening in some of the most beautiful locations I have ever seen. We finished off the evening with sparklers and famous raspberry milkshakes. It was the perfect night.

Please press play and enjoy the following images: